Week of September 23-27!

September 27, 2019 No comments
Happy Friday! 

We wrapped our unit on community helpers this week. We learned about doctors, nurses, firefighters, police officers, mail carriers, pilots, architects, pharmacists, veterinarians, and many more! We discovered why all these helpers are so important for our community. We also spent time discussing what kind of community helpers our parents are and each child brainstormed what they wanted to become when they grow up!

The students enjoyed our Veterinarian Office and Post Office centers this week!

Next week we will begin our unit on the Fall Season and Changes in the Environment. We will focus on the weather changes during the fall season. 

Have a great weekend!

EDK students enjoyed hat day! 


September 19, 2019 No comments
Hello Parents!

This week, the EDK students began learning about community helpers! We reviewed our school community at Jefferson and met important helpers in our building.We took a tour around the school to see where each Jefferson community helper works and what they do. The students learned how it's polite to greet school community helpers and safe to ask questions if they are wearing a red lanyard! 
We then started to learn about places and helpers in our Park Ridge and Niles community. The students came up with a list of facts they already know about community helpers and what they wonder about them.  
The students are looking forward to digging deeper into our community helpers next week!

Have a great weekend!

September 13, 2019 No comments
Happy Friday! 

Thank you to the parents who were able to attend our EDK Curriculum Night! I look forward to working together to assure each student has a wonderful school year!
This week we talked all about our special family and friends and continued to develop our classroom community. We discussed what a friend looks like, sounds like and ways we can be a friend here at Jefferson!
We also began our writing portfolios. We will continue to collect writing and work samples throughout the year.
Next week, we will begin our Jefferson School Community Unit. 

Have a wonderful weekend!


September 6, 2019 No comments
Hello Families!

This week we discussed what a classroom community is. We focused on friendship, kindness, and community building.  We also continued to review our classroom rules and routines. I have been having a wonderful time getting to know each student and I enjoy seeing the friendships forming each day in the classroom! 

Please check your child's blue EDK folder each night.

Have a great weekend.