Week of November 18 - 22!

November 22, 2019 No comments
Hello EDK Parents! 
We had an exciting week wrapping up our Healthy Body Unit and learning about Thanksgiving! 


We started the week by creating a class book called The Very Hungry Kindergartener. The students each completed a page where they were able to write and draw a picture of their favorite healthy food! We also discussed the importance of exercising and staying active every day in order to keep our heart healthy! We practiced some stretches, exercises, and yoga in our class as well!


We also spent time sharing what we are thankful for, which Thanksgiving foods we are looking forward to eating next week, and learning about the Pilgrims! 


Reminder - 

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Break!
 I look forward to seeing the children in December! 

Week of November 11-15!

November 15, 2019 No comments
Hello Parents!

This week we began exploring healthy and non healthy food choices and discussing the five main food groups! The students examined The Healthy Plate Model and completed two surveys expressing their favorite fruits or vegetables. We learned how to make a bar graph when comparing their answers.  


We also studied ways to keep our teeth healthy and clean! We analyzed food and beverage choices that make our teeth happy as well as examined what would happen if we didn't brush our teeth or floss! We also conducted an experiment where we soaked an egg in soda and water. We pretended the egg shell was the tooth enamel and examined what happens to our teeth when we drink large amounts of soda and water! Ask your kindergartner what they observed!  


Next week we will finish our Healthy Body Unit and have some Thanksgiving fun! 

Please remember to send your child with warm coats, hats, and gloves that are labeled with their name! The students also need to wear snow pants and boots in order to play on the playground at recess!

Enjoy your weekend! Stay Warm!

Week of November 4 - 8!

November 8, 2019 No comments
                                 Hello EDK Families! 

This week we began our “Healthy Choices” unit.  Students shared their knowledge and posed inquiry questions for us to research together, using a K(Know) W (Wonder) L (Learn) chart.  Through our research, we already understand that germs are all around us.  Some germs are OK, while others can make us sick.  We had Nurse Paula come in to demonstrate proper hand washing procedures and explain ways we can make sure not to spread germs.  We even ended the week by completing a germ science experiment with glitter, soap, and water! 



Ask your kindergartner what some ways they can help stop the  spread of germs!  

Next week, we will continue inquiring about our bodies and ways we can stay healthy with food, exercise and hygiene.

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Week of October 28- November 1!

November 1, 2019 No comments
Hello Parents!



It's hard to believe we have already completed our Fall Unit, celebrated Halloween with a snow shower, and entered the month of November! 

This week we dissected a pumpkin and explored what was inside, tested different size pumpkins to see if they would sink or float, visited the courtyard, and observed a fall tree! 
We also had some Halloween fun! 


We are looking forward to beginning our Nutrition and Healthy Me Unit next week!

Reminder - NO SCHOOL MONDAY 11/4!

Have a wonderful weekend!