Welcome Back to EDK!
Happy New Year!
We started the week by reviewing classroom rules, the Jefferson 3Bs, and taking a walk to the courtyard! We completed another page in our Tree Journal and drew our winter tree! The students have been excited to observe how the tree changes throughout the seasons!

We then jumped back into our Force and Motion unit through exploring simple machines! The students learned that there are six types of simple machines and that each one helps to make work easier! The students designed and created catapults, ramps, wheel and axels, and pulleys throughout our lessons and center time each day.

Next week we will wrap up our Force and Motion unit and discuss Magnets.
Please don't forget to fill out the Around the World 2020 survey that was emailed on Tuesday! This will help us when teaching our Cultures Around the World unit starting Tuesday, January 21!
Have a great weekend!
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